Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar

Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar

This brochure is only available in German.

Speeches at the laying of the foundation stone of the Fritz Bauer Forum on August 11, 2021

A center for human rights is being created in Bochum

In Bochum, the foundation stone for the Fritz Bauer Forum was symbolically laid on August 11, 2021. A center for human rights is being built on the site of the former Havkenscheid funeral hall with a fascinating interactive library, seminar, studio and exhibition rooms, a café and a garden.

Fritz Bauer answered the question of why he returned to Germany in 1952 in the spectacular (Remer) trial. As prosecutor, Bauer managed to get the court to describe the Nazi state as an unjust state and to acknowledge that the resistance fighters had acted out of a sense of responsibility. We have Fritz Bauer to thank for the fact that the alternatives to Hitler, which he himself chose with a life "in the fight for human rights", cannot be forgotten. They were perceived by groups of the workers' movement, the Confessing Church, individual members of the Catholic Church, the bureaucracy and the Wehrmacht. By those who helped the persecuted Jews, Sinti and Roma, the disabled and the persecuted in general when this human assistance had been declared a crime.

The Fritz Bauer Forum is committed to the ever-current history of resistance against dictatorial violence, against nationalism, racism and anti-Semitism. As Article 1 of the Basic Law demands: "Human dignity is inviolable. Respecting and protecting it is the obligation of all state power."
