Irmtrud Wojak

Irmtrud Wojak is the managing director of BUXUS STIFTUNG gGmbH and founder of the Fritz Bauer Forum in Bochum. She is a historian, author and curator. Her research focuses on contemporary legal history, exile and political "cultures of remembrance" as well as a historiography that understands and researches resistance as a fight for human rights. As a Frieda L. Miller Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (Harvard University), she investigated the resilience of individuals who, despite prevailing bias and political discrimination, maintain a standpoint based on legal norms and compassion. In 2014, she began the research and education project of the interactive Fritz Bauer Library. In 2004, I. Wojak curated the first major exhibition on the Auschwitz trial, and in 2009 she published the authoritative Fritz Bauer biography. In 2008, she completed her habilitation and received her venia legendi from the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hanover. Until 2005 she was deputy director at the Fritz Bauer Institute in Frankfurt. She was head of the historical department of the International Tracing Service (Bad Arolsen) in 2007/08 and founding director of the “NS Documentation Center” in Munich from 2009 to 2011. Irmtrud Wojak is a lecturer at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich.